Release Hawaiian Bonefish

Release Hawaiian Bonefish

Release Hawaiian Bonefish | If you’re fishing for bonefish somewhere like Hawaii, you’re not going to catch a lot of them. Yes, we all want to get a few hero shots, and that’s OK, as long as you treat the fish well in the process. What’s the best way to let those fish go?

Simple – unless you absolutely need a photo, don’t handle them at all. Keep the fish in the water. Don’t touch the fish – just grab your fly, pop it out, and let him swim. Hawaiian Bonefish are generally pretty big, don’t hang a trophy Hawaiian Bonefish from a Boga or other torture device- release Hawaiian Bonefish unharmed. Check out this vid produced by the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust to learn more about handling the big boys and how to release Hawaiian Bonefish the right way!

Bonefish and Tarpon Trust produced a nice little video that helps drive the point home. Have a look.

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